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Henie Onstad Art Centre

Taking the lead in modern and contemporary art, Henie Onstad Art Centre houses paintings by pioneers such as Picasso, Matisse, and Weidemann.
Started in 1968, thanks to donations from art collectors Sonja Henie and Niels Onstad, The art centre soon started gaining popularity and is now one of the most famous art museums in Norway. You can look at paintings by well-known artists worldwide, including Picasso, Henri Matisse, Christo, Yayoi Kusama and Weidermann. The art centre houses more than 4000 pieces of art and often holds temporary exhibitions that you cannot miss. Apart from the wide range of paintings, the Henie Onstad art centre is housed in a gorgeous sculpture park and a recreational space close to lush nature, surrounded by the shore and nature trails open to the public. Greeting you at the entrance is the sun sculpture from 1970, made by Arnold Haukeland honouring Sonja Henie. The centre also hosts yearly concerts where both famous and emerging artists and musicians perform with much gusto. Overall, the museum is a treat to the senses and an absolute must-visit in Oslo.
